
Results 7 issues of TheArheus

Hello, right now I am trying to build ccls and I got this error occured: `'error LNK1104: cannot open file 'clangIndex.lib'` And right now I don't know how to deal...

Hello, I'm trying to convert my pytorch model to keras and I have ready onnx file for It. When I started to converting onnx to keras, I've got next error:...

Hello, I was following your tutorial and tried to use tiny version of yolov3 model, but I stucked in step 3. But, the normal version is working fine there. Error...

That seems there is no 8 bit data storage extension right now. Maybe there are plans to add support for VK_KHR_8bit_storage extension, so in shader I could write something like...


I wanted to use 16bit data storage extension, but I encountered validation error even though I have enabled extensions. I am building shader with this command: `C:\DirectXShaderCompiler.bin\Debug\bin\dxc.exe -spirv -T ms_6_5...


Hello. I am trying to build program with command utils\hct\hctbuild -x64 -vs2022 -rel -official -spirv, but I have issues with it. I am building on Windows 11. There is a...


Hello, I have several questions. First of all: how can I send or recieve images from/to mf1. Is it possible to do it via json? Or I should use some...