Since completing original Deconstruction creates the hole that's filled with cement object, getting randomized Deconstruction after that would make it incompletable. So randomized Deconstruction needs to set the hole to...
Randomizing the gravity somehow - I think Lordmau5 said setting the value is bad so maybe something else, I dunno, probably won't even get to this for a million years....
Shuffles around the radar map pieces, so it shows you as in different places and whatnot. Requested by a couple people.
Probably a difficult one to do but basically randomizing where you have to go for mission objectives. Examples: - Randomize "drive to marker" location - Randomize weapon pick-up location -...
Parik said he could do it so woo. :P I guess this would be markers leading to a random other marker, although some markers would need to be exempt to...
Separate from Mission Randomizer - anytime you respawn at a hospital / police station, your respawn point is completely random. Might be best to limit it within the city of...
@SRewo Weapon Stats Randomizer still seems to be causing some kind of animation related crash (cough flamethrower cough). Below is a file with logs of examples of these crashes: [WSR...
Two possible aspects to this: 1) Randomize entire schools themselves, so flying school can become driving school, or bike school, or boat school. Then you'd have to complete whichever school...
* [ ] - Add autosaves when a gang territory ends (not just when it is successful so it supports the speed strat). * [ ] - Add indication to...
I know Parik will just put 'wontfix' on this but it's technicallyyyyyyyy a thing that's missing that could be improved so just sayinggggggggg :eyes: