Dilbilimci = Linguist = 語学者

Results 10 comments of Dilbilimci = Linguist = 語学者

Does this happen on mobile only? Is there anything else trying to access the microphone other then annyang? Have you tried disabling SpeechKITT?

> @The-Linguist how can i disable SpeechKITT? Sorry, I have never used SpeechKITT. So I do not know. All I know is that mobile devices don't like it when two...

Additional things to mention: - Chrome seems to work fine with just __"en"__ inside `setLanguage()` instead any of __en-GB__ __en-US__ __en-AU__ __en-CA__ __en-IN__ __en-NZ__ __en-ZA__ and is good at catching...

Upon further and deeper search I've found https://www.ibabbleon.com/iOS-Language-Codes-ISO-639.html It would be great if everyone «who gets to test it» shared his/her test results to let us find _how reliable_ that...

Setting `Howler.usingWebAudio = false;` seems to solve the problem but it reduces performance.

Did tests on various Apple devices, the results varied hugely even though, on the surface, they all had the same version of Safari. Safaris on different iPads are like different...

It looks like we have to wait for Safari 17.0 or 18.0 and just hope that engineers who work for Apple care.

By the way, according to my tests, Safaris on different iPads are like different cousin Safaris responding differently.

@bobsilverberg Thank you for opening the topic for discussion. As a single-page-app builder I always need to adjust my user interface design for three things: - Desktops (all fit-in-bag Laptop/Notebook...

Safari 16.0 can play it through Web Audio API if the Howler object is created after window `load` event fires and if the files were cached. But weirdly, over the...