Shubh Srivastava
Shubh Srivastava
``` [ERROR] Failures: [ERROR] CommitValidationTest.testCommitMessageHasProperStructure:189 Commit 65384a4390d2fa78ac186219cd8f3fcfed643372 message: "doc #7619: Updated doc for EmptyLineSeperator\n" is invalid Proper commit message should adhere to the following rules: 1) Must match one of...
I am getting these errors. What am I supposed to change. ``` [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.182 s - in [INFO]...
@romani could you please assist as to why the CI failure is occurring. Mvn clean verify passed successfully. Also, **what is the CI failure referring to?**
@rnveach @romani sure please review the PR so that I can make changes if required.
Hello could you please review my PR and update as to what changes could be made. Thank you.
The config and examples are below: 1. To configure the default check ``` PS C:\Users\shubh\OneDrive\Desktop\checkstyle project> cat /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //HEADER /////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.whitespace; // violation, 'package' should be separated from...
Maven passed without failures.
Fixing CI failure.
CI failure has been fixed.
Any updations I have to make? @romani