New feature of being able to send Syncvars to subset of observers. Lets say you have two teams of players, right now if you want to securely use SyncVars to...
-Update our mirror repo so we can add this network profiler. https://github.com/James-Frowen/Mirage.Profiler/releases?q=mirror&expanded=true https://discord.com/channels/343440455738064897/774716809899016212/1005958175700308109
Map Blast Detectors in main stations - [ ] Boxstation - [ ] Outpoststation - [ ] fallstation - [x] Squarestation - [ ] Unrealstation
-Using VV to change enums with flags doesnt let you pick multiple values as it treats it as a normal enum. Try adding a system to change that? or add...
Currently a body in any container will block miasma production, but this should only happen with coffins, body bags and other body containers (morgue, etc). Might need to `refactor` ObjectAttributes...
Bumping into an unsecured supermatter doesnt kill you. Bumping into a secured one does kill you, seems like theres an issue with IBumpable 1. Spawn supermatter 2. Walk into it...
They could be useful in the future, wink wink. Try to imagine a character standing where they are as they will draw the FOV from that position. #6626 puts a...
-Add a field in the server config json for a max frame rate #8937 only allows admins to change it in game
Now that miasma gas is in the game, dead bodies should give it off after they have been killed for a while. And now with the basic sickness system miasma...
- [x] Add Ore silos to each mainstation (in vault) - [x] Add mining Equipment vendors to each mainstation - [x] Add ore boxes to each mining room - [x]...