Hedel Nasser
Hedel Nasser
I have hooked SetAnimation with reapi and while using the longjump it never gets called with SUPERJUMP animation. The ducktime check at player.cpp seems to be wrong as it differs...
Tested on DMC and OpForce too * Start a server (listenserver works too) with "Teamplay" enabled (mp_teamplay 1) and "Valid teams" empty (mp_teamlist "") * Check model & team from...
Leave any Syntax/Fatal errors while running on PHP 8 (or 7, if there is one) as comments
The fix looks like a workaround because there is no clear method in [amtl/am-deque.h](https://github.com/alliedmodders/amtl/blob/ad9d5c33534dcfd902e2aeb0744df1a227b1c6d3/amtl/am-deque.h) and i don't know if i can or how to call it directly if i were...