@zommerberg Did you found anything? Looking for similiar thing?
> Hi, cuz I'm using in flutter > > referring by this: https://pub.dev/packages/tflite > > I just used below command in flutter > > ``` > res = await Tflite.loadModel(...
Actually, if you use the tflite plugin, it doesn't. However, there is another flutter plugin called tflite_flutter. It uses the C bindings for the TensorFlow lite C API. This guy...
@Liisjak I had messed up and pasted the wrong version of the code above by accident. Anyways, the code below is my current code, but I have found some logic...
@Liisjak @SungmanHong I finally made a repository and fixed everything wrong with the models. The program works better than this version. Here is the link: https://github.com/TexMexMax/object_detection_flutter.git
@furkan1023 I am not sure why it happens to you. To me, it didn't seem to happen. Is the model a Yolov4 tflite model?
@furkan1023 Are you using your very own model and labels? What are MODEL_FILE_NAME and LABEL_FILE_NAME set as?
@furkan1023 I'm sorry for the late response. I've been really busy. Anyways, I think you might be messing something up. I can confirm it worked with me, and I tested...
Can we also add support for converting Image to float32 TensorBuffer for those who need it for their model? I did this successfully. static void convertImageToTensorBuffer(Image image, TensorBuffer buffer) {...