
Results 10 issues of Testator

`(...).setAnimation(RevealAnim reveal, DismissAnim dismiss, int revealTime, int dismissTime);` _Originally posted by @emre1512 in https://github.com/emre1512/Noty/issues/1#issuecomment-499334055_ .setAnimation(Noty.RevealAnim.SLIDE_DOWN, Noty.DismissAnim.BACK_TO_TOP, 400, 400) this is the default and doesnt auto dismiss. Why you close if...

Hi thanks for the great library! How do you disable drag to open. i have a toggle button at the top and everytime i toggle it the drag to open...

HI Great Library This is not showing up in com.google.android.gms:play-services-oss-licenses Please fix. Thxs in advance.

Hi Hasnat attaching image to chat not working...

How do i set the notification to slide down from app bar layout? Thanks in advance

### New Issue Checklist * [ ] I have read and understood the [CONTRIBUTING guide](https://github.com/Codigami/CFAlertDialog/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) * [ ] I have read the [Documentation](https://github.com/Codigami/CFAlertDialog/blob/develop/README.md) * [ ] I have searched for...

How do I use `ButtonData.buildTextButton()` Thanks in advance

Hi thanks for the great feature... I am trying to save the state of the button when switching between fragments. I tried sharedpreferences but it did not work. everytime i...

cannot access setTrailBackground method even though it is public. I need to programmatically change the trailing background when theme is switch from day to night and vice versa. I have...

HI Great Library This is not showing up in com.google.android.gms:play-services-oss-licenses Please fix. Thxs in advance.