I reckon it's the packaging of how they ship out the ISO, English International fine in my case. For the normal update where the hardware is compliant which I used...
Suspect that's the US version. You won't be able to keep your files and apps if you switched to the English International. Certainly I came across mutterings of Windows Server...
The other 22H2 method is this: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/installing-windows-11-by-removing-appraiserres-dll-file.3879/page-2 & you open the editor on it, take out all what you see on it, resave as a blank DLL. Then run the...
Indeed the Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd method in the bypass directory works on the 23H2 release build and if you have the toggles still set from the 22H2 upgrade last year just run...