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tencentcloud cloud controller manager for kubernetes
We should use [Go modules](https://blog.golang.org/using-go-modules) to manage the dependency, instead of vendoring them into this repo. It reduces unneccessary files in source control, and is the recommanded way to manage...
Now we are using https://github.com/dbdd4us/qcloudapi-sdk-go to access Tencent Cloud API, which is broken now. We should migrate to the offical SDK https://github.com/TencentCloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go.
The official guide to implement a cloud controller manager is https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/developing-cloud-controller-manager/ We are behind the API. We should upgrade to the latest interface of cloud-controller-manager, which is https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider/blob/master/cloud.go#L43 As an...
In the document, it says Kubernetes 节点的名字需要和节点的内网 ip 相同 The internal IP of a Tencent Cloud VM is hard to retrieve when VM startup. It's not provided in cloud-init instance...
刚发现有tencentcloud-cloud-controller-manager这个插件就试用了下 然后vpc-id都确认了为自己建立的私有网络,但是通过测试建立loadbalancer发现都是基础网络的怎么回事呢
我们是自建k8s集群+tencentcloud-cloud-controller-manager 现有3个节点,在新增2个节点时,发现新节点的NetworkUnavailable的Status一会是true,一会是false。 发现日志有如下报错: [root@sh-saas-k8scs1-master-online-01 ~]# kubectl logs -f -n kube-system tencentcloud-cloud-controller-manager-6858dc97dd-rswkb | grep | grep E06 E0628 06:26:12.616286 1 node_controller.go:399] Operation cannot be fulfilled on nodes "": the object...