I hit this today on fresh install of 0.9.0 https://github.com/tnicola/cypress-parallel/issues/101 Sounds like the fix is to add colors as a dependency of cypress-parallel
It loads a single chunk and then calls complete. It shows this error: {\"type\":\"FieldMismatch\",\"code\":\"TooFewFields\",\"message\":\"Too few fields: expected 23 fields but parsed 20\",\"row\":29419} This does not happen if worker is false...
I'm running prettier-java from a separate package, which doesn't work since Prettier 3 seems to require that plugins are in the same package. I tried Prettier 2 but got this...
`props.myProperty! === 'true';` should be `props.myProperty! === true;`
It's not good to use the non-null assertion operator if we can avoid it, and we can fix the way defaults are applied to props to make this not needed....
README says `./target/release/cdk_from_cfn [INPUT] [OUTPUT]` But it should be `./target/release/cdk-from-cfn [INPUT] [OUTPUT]` Also great project!