Same problem Python 3.10.13 Flet 0.23.1 Windows 10
> Oh my! It works with 1.53! It just works with Home Assistant now, but inside the app it's not controllable anymore. But it works locally! Wow! I wonder if...
How to update to 1.53? @KiralyCraft Please help.
@KiralyCraft I tired for countless hours, but without success. I get this message: `Setup failed for custom integration 'gree': No setup or config entry setup function defined` There is also...
@KiralyCraft This is what I got `{"t":"dev","cid":"9424b8b7cc08","bc":"00000000000000000000000000000000","brand":"gree","catalog":"gree","mac":"9424b8b7cc08","mid":"10001","model":"gree","name":"","lock":0,"series":"gree","vender":"1","ver":"V2.0.0","ModelType":"32776","hid":"362001065279+U-WB05RT13V1.21.bin"}` Can I get it to work?
@KiralyCraft I tried, I don't see any logs and it's not connecting. It should be the same because this fork was merged into the original repo, am I right?
@KiralyCraft My bad, I looked for the logs in the wrong place, this is my log: ``` 2024-06-19 11:43:10.909 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up gree.climate 2024-06-19 11:43:10.909 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.gree.climate]...
@KiralyCraft It finally worked, thank you so much for your help! Also see this https://github.com/RobHofmann/HomeAssistant-GreeClimateComponent/issues/174#issuecomment-2178157325