> FYI if anyone wants to disable updates you can go into %LOCALAPPDATA%\webmessage-updater and remove all permissions from the "pending" folder. This was my solution since the developer has been...
> Yeah I have removed this package from the NPM registry as well as my personal GitHub since the package wasn't used quite as often... > > However, I can...
> I now published the package under version 1.0.1. Publishing under 1.0.0 was not possible due to an error. NPM complained about that it "cannot publish over previously published version...
@Techassi @sgtaziz Got another contact like discord I can immediately message a response on? > So is it building with the NPM version (v1.0.1)? I haven't changed any of the...
### Following up dropping down to the proper node version This project will build but electron will crash on execution. Version used after clean install: https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-x64.msi @Techassi @sgtaziz LOG calling...
Files missing: - node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom - fs/promises - node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\CollectionsConverterUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': Electron crash due to package.json (pull request issued to fix this in future...
For others who would like to build, but cannot run the newest revision. @Techassi @sgtaziz [✅] Marked as Buildable and able to run! Steps to build ### First check your...
@sgtaziz sent the pull request.
Marked as closed.
> Thanks a lot. I'll push build 0.7.1 later 👍 No problem my friend. I sent you a friend request over on discord if you ever want me to drop...