WebMessage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WebMessage copied to clipboard

[Client] [Windows/Linux] Source is not able to be built due to removed/missing dependacies.

Open TempAccountNull opened this issue 2 years ago • 28 comments

Phone Info (irrelevance)

iOS version: 14.2 Jailbreak: Unc0ver Tweak Version: Latest (0.62)


  • [ ] Clone the repo
  • [ ] Run yarn install
  • [ ] Get a build failure as the package doesn't exist

Issue: Upon cloning and trying to build this source with yarn install the user building will experience multiple errors with vue.

Package.json (where the issue relies)

  1. vue-lazy-image by @techassi (link does not exist) however, only thing I found was here: https://socket.dev/npm/package/@techassi/vue-lazy-image/files/1.0.0 (will still fail to build as this repo is missing it's wrapper.js)


yarn install v1.22.19 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... error An unexpected error occurred: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@techassi/vue-lazy-image/-/vue-lazy-image-1.0.0.tgz: Request failed "404 Not Found"". info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "scripts\vue-lazy-image\2\WebMessage-main\WebMessage-main\yarn-error.log". info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install for documentation about this command.

TempAccountNull avatar Jan 30 '23 18:01 TempAccountNull

Yeah I have removed this package from the NPM registry as well as my personal GitHub since the package wasn't used quite as often...

However, I can re-create the repo and re-publish the package on NPM if needed.

Techassi avatar Jan 30 '23 22:01 Techassi

Yeah I have removed this package from the NPM registry as well as my personal GitHub since the package wasn't used quite as often...

However, I can re-create the repo and re-publish the package on NPM if needed.

Please do if you can. I attempted to email you about this.

TempAccountNull avatar Jan 31 '23 06:01 TempAccountNull

Oh yeah you did - my bad, didn't see it. I will re-publish as fast as possible.

Techassi avatar Feb 01 '23 02:02 Techassi

I published the code to my repository. I will publish version 1.0.0 again with the current code base. Release 1.0.1 will include a new toolchain based on PNPM and Vite.

Techassi avatar Feb 18 '23 16:02 Techassi

I now published the package under version 1.0.1. Publishing under 1.0.0 was not possible due to an error. NPM complained about that it "cannot publish over previously published version '1.0.0'". This seems a little weird as the package no longer exists, but oh well...

You can now use the package with version 1.0.1. Version 1.0.2 will switch to a new toolchain.

Techassi avatar Feb 22 '23 15:02 Techassi

I now published the package under version 1.0.1. Publishing under 1.0.0 was not possible due to an error. NPM complained about that it "cannot publish over previously published version '1.0.0'". This seems a little weird as the package no longer exists, but oh well...

You can now use the package with version 1.0.1. Version 1.0.2 will switch to a new toolchain.

I really appreciate your time man. It helps a whole lot as this project really needs some TLC since most of these modules are super out of date or vulnerable.

Build status

[X] Still marked as unable to build via source.

An update on the build process until @sgtaziz can update his repo with fixing this for clones.

TEST #1 (attempting to update package modules, which breaks building even worse) but it now builds.

Warning: The file: package.json will require a manual edit to fix this package since the 1.0.0 doesn't exist anymore and node 14 is depreciated.

To fix this for newer node revisions find the following:

"main": "background.js",
 "dependencies": {
   "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.34",
   "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^5.15.2",
   "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome": "^3.0.0-3",
   "@techassi/vue-lazy-image": "^1.0.0",
  • [ ] Change "@techassi/vue-lazy-image": "^1.0.0", to "@techassi/vue-lazy-image": "^1.0.1",

Then save the file, yarn will not complain about it. However, node-sass has been depreciated and I tried changing it out for the following with another issue for vue-lazy-image,



"node-sass": "^4.12.0",


"sass": "^1.58.3",


 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                        2:58:03 AM
 error  in ./node_modules/@techassi/vue-lazy-image/lib/vue-lazy-image.esm.js

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (48:26)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
|                 return;
|             }
>             this.observer?.unobserve(target);
|             this.callbacks[id]();
|         });

 @ ./src/main.ts 22:0-52 34:8-20
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.ts

No issues found.

VICE VERSA TEST #2 (Only adding support for Node 16 and above)

  1. Upgrade @Techassi's package to 1.0.1 from the package.json file, followed by the other modules otherwise node 16+ won't build as it's out of support from node v14.
  2. Change the following package dependencies to add support for newer node builds:
  • "sass-loader": "^8.0.2" to "sass-loader": "^13.2.0"
  • "node-sass": "^4.12.0" to "node-sass": "^8.0.0"
  1. Get the following error
 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                                                                                              3:55:24 AM

 error  in ./src/views/Home/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=1d9b105c&lang=scss

Syntax Error: TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function

 @ ./node_modules/vue-style-loader??ref--8-oneOf-1-0!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-3!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--0-1!./src/views/Home/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=1d9b105c&lang=scss 4:14-457 15:3-20:5 16:22-465
 @ ./src/views/Home/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=1d9b105c&lang=scss
 @ ./src/views/Home/index.vue
 @ ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--0-1!./src/App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js
 @ ./src/App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js
 @ ./src/App.vue
 @ ./src/main.ts
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.ts

No issues found.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 01 '23 08:03 TempAccountNull

Unfortunately I haven't been able to update WebMessage since I no longer have a jailbreakable device. But, I will try to update the dependencies to fix the build later today!

sgtaziz avatar Mar 01 '23 12:03 sgtaziz

@Techassi seems like version 1.0.1 is different than the previous 1.0.0. It is throwing some errors as stated above.

I've uploaded the old one to my repo here https://github.com/sgtaziz/WebMessage/tree/main/src/components/%40techassi/vue-lazy-image to get around this for now. If it is an issue, please let me know and I will remove it ASAP!

sgtaziz avatar Mar 01 '23 16:03 sgtaziz

@TempAccountNull Ok, the latest commits should have fixed the issue. It is building on my local system and TravisCI, let me know if you need anymore help!

sgtaziz avatar Mar 01 '23 18:03 sgtaziz

I really appreciate your time man. It helps a whole lot as this project really needs some TLC since most of these modules are super out of date or vulnerable.

Sure thing. Love to help out! The next version will include some improvements and a new toolchain as I already mentioned. I aim to release the next version around the end of march.

@TempAccountNull Ok, the latest commits should have fixed the issue. It is building on my local system and TravisCI, let me know if you need anymore help!

So is it building with the NPM version (v1.0.1)? I haven't changed any of the code since I initially removed the package and repo. If there are any issues, I will look into them.

I've uploaded the old one to my repo here https://github.com/sgtaziz/WebMessage/tree/main/src/components/%40techassi/vue-lazy-image to get around this for now. If it is an issue, please let me know and I will remove it ASAP!

This should be fine... The best solution is of course to fix the build issues and have the fixes on NPM. But for now, let's use the local version.

Techassi avatar Mar 01 '23 19:03 Techassi

Agreed. Just wanted to have something working for people to clone off of.

But the version I have on my repo (which is an old local build I found in my node_modules) is different than the one you have uploaded. It could be that it was just not updated, but it does show version 1.0.0

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (48:26)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
|                 return;
|             }
>             this.observer?.unobserve(target);
|             this.callbacks[id]();
|         });

The line highlighted in this error, which is what I was receiving using the 1.0.1 version, is not in the codebase on the old one. The NPM version seems different from what was there before @Techassi

sgtaziz avatar Mar 01 '23 19:03 sgtaziz

@Techassi @sgtaziz Got another contact like discord I can immediately message a response on?

So is it building with the NPM version (v1.0.1)? I haven't changed any of the code since I initially removed the package and repo. If there are any issues, I will look into them.

I've uploaded the old one to my repo here https://github.com/sgtaziz/WebMessage/tree/main/src/components/%40techassi/vue-lazy-image to get around this for now. If it is an issue, please let me know and I will remove it ASAP!

This should be fine... The best solution is of course to fix the build issues and have the fixes on NPM. But for now, let's use the local version.

This does not build on node 15+ only node 14 due to the dependencies being out of date as stated above which this is using .Node 14 | 4.14 npm info using [email protected] npm info using [email protected]

Node 16 | or package dependacy 6.0+ is a requirement as stated above.

Here's why this can occur, node-sass is not supported on v16 only v14! Directly from https://github.com/sass/node-sass

Warning: LibSass and Node Sass are deprecated. While they will continue to receive maintenance releases indefinitely, there are no plans to add additional features or compatibility with any new CSS or Sass features. Projects that still use it should move onto Dart Sass.

Node version support policy

  1. Supported Node.js versions vary by release, please consult the releases page.
  2. Node versions that hit end of life https://github.com/nodejs/Release, will be dropped from support at each node-sass release (major, minor).
  3. We will stop building binaries for unsupported releases, testing for breakages in dependency compatibility, but we will not block installations for those that want to support themselves.
  4. New node release require minor internal changes along with support from CI providers (AppVeyor, GitHub Actions). We will open a single issue for interested parties to subscribe to, and close additional issues.

Below is a quick guide for minimum and maximum supported versions of node-sass:

NodeJS Supported node-sass version Node Module
Node 19 8.0+ 111
Node 18 8.0+ 108
Node 17 7.0+, <8.0 102
Node 16 6.0+ 93
Node 15 5.0+, <7.0 88
Node 14 4.14+ 83
Node 13 4.13+, <5.0 79
Node 12 4.12+, <8.0 72
Node 11 4.10+, <5.0 67
Node 10 4.9+, <6.0 64
Node 8 4.5.3+, <5.0 57
Node <8 <5.0 <57

Error while calling yarn serve

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                        2:31:59 PM

 error  in ./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss

Syntax Error: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:

 @ ./node_modules/vue-style-loader??ref--9-oneOf-1-0!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--9-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--9-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--9-oneOf-1-3!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--1-1!./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss 4:14-457 15:3-20:5 16:22-465
 @ ./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss
 @ ./src/views/Chat/index.vue
 @ ./src/router/index.ts
 @ ./src/main.ts
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.ts

No issues found.

Full install and serve logs

yarn Install

yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
warning Pattern ["nan@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Yarn\\Cache\\v6\\npm-nan-2.17.0-c0150a2368a182f033e9aa5195ec76ea41a199cb-integrity\\node_modules\\nan" as pattern ["nan@^2.12.1","nan@^2.13.2"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "emoji-mart-vue-fast > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.6.11".
warning "emoji-mart-vue-fast > vue-virtual-scroller > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.3.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.5.21".
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>= 0.14.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.36.0 || ^5.0.0".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
[10/14] ⡀ electron
[12/14] ⡀ node-sass
[13/14] ⡀ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
[14/14] ⢀ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications
error A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\node-sass: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node scripts/build.js
Directory: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\node-sass
Building: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js rebuild --verbose --libsass_ext= --libsass_cflags= --libsass_ldflags= --libsass_library=
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp verb cli [
gyp verb cli   'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',
gyp verb cli   'A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js',
gyp verb cli   'rebuild',
gyp verb cli   '--verbose',
gyp verb cli   '--libsass_ext=',
gyp verb cli   '--libsass_cflags=',
gyp verb cli   '--libsass_ldflags=',
gyp verb cli   '--libsass_library='
gyp verb cli ]
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp verb command rebuild []
gyp verb command clean []
gyp verb clean removing "build" directory
gyp verb command configure []
gyp verb check python checking for Python executable "python2" in the PATH
gyp verb `which` failed Error: not found: python2
gyp verb `which` failed     at getNotFoundError (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:13:12)
gyp verb `which` failed     at F (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:68:19)
gyp verb `which` failed     at E (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:80:29)
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:89:16
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\isexe\index.js:42:5
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\isexe\windows.js:36:5
gyp verb `which` failed     at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:198:21)
gyp verb `which` failed  python2 Error: not found: python2
gyp verb `which` failed     at getNotFoundError (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:13:12)
gyp verb `which` failed     at F (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:68:19)
gyp verb `which` failed     at E (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:80:29)
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\which\which.js:89:16
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\isexe\index.js:42:5
gyp verb `which` failed     at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\isexe\windows.js:36:5
gyp verb `which` failed     at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:198:21) {
gyp verb `which` failed   code: 'ENOENT'
gyp verb `which` failed }
gyp verb check python checking for Python executable "python" in the PATH
gyp verb `which` succeeded python C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.EXE
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: Command failed: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.EXE -c import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3];
gyp ERR! stack   File "<string>", line 1
gyp ERR! stack     import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3];
gyp ERR! stack                       ^
gyp ERR! stack SyntaxError: invalid syntax
gyp ERR! stack
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:399:12)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1092:16)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:302:5)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--verbose" "--libsass_ext=" "--libsass_cflags=" "--libsass_ldflags=" "--libsass_library="
gyp ERR! cwd A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\node-sass
gyp ERR! node -v v16.14.2

warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.9.2 found at \"C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe\"
gyp info find VS using VS2022 (17.4.33403.182) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\16.14.2\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\16.14.2',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\16.14.2\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal  error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:194:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
gyp ERR! node -v v16.14.2
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1
gyp ERR! not ok"
info This module is OPTIONAL, you can safely ignore this error
warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.9.2 found at \"C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe\"
gyp info find VS using VS2022 (17.4.33403.182) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\16.14.2\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\16.14.2',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\16.14.2\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal  error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:194:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
gyp ERR! node -v v16.14.2
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1
gyp ERR! not ok"
info This module is OPTIONAL, you can safely ignore this error

Yarn serve

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage>yarn serve
yarn run v1.22.19
$ vue-cli-service electron:serve
 INFO  Starting development server...
Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at chainWebpack (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:18:24)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:55:5
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:40
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Service.resolveChainableWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:26)
    at Service.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:240:48)
    at PluginAPI.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\PluginAPI.js:132:25)
    at serve (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\commands\serve.js:75:31)
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:299:40
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\bin\vue-cli-service.js:36:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1103:14)
Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at chainWebpack (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:18:24)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:55:5
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:40
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Service.resolveChainableWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:26)
    at Service.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:240:48)
    at PluginAPI.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\PluginAPI.js:132:25)
    at serve (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\commands\serve.js:75:31)
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:299:40
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\bin\vue-cli-service.js:36:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1103:14)
98% after emitting CopyPlugin

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                        2:31:59 PM

 error  in ./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss

Syntax Error: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:

 @ ./node_modules/vue-style-loader??ref--9-oneOf-1-0!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--9-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--9-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--9-oneOf-1-3!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--1-1!./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss 4:14-457 15:3-20:5 16:22-465
 @ ./src/views/Chat/index.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=e878a8d6&lang=scss
 @ ./src/views/Chat/index.vue
 @ ./src/router/index.ts
 @ ./src/main.ts
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.ts

No issues found.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 01 '23 20:03 TempAccountNull

Okay. I will fix this!

Techassi avatar Mar 01 '23 20:03 Techassi

Following up dropping down to the proper node version

This project will build but electron will crash on execution. Version used after clean install: https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-x64.msi

@Techassi @sgtaziz


calling yarn install

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage>npm version
  webmessage: '0.7.1',
  npm: '9.5.1',
  node: '14.17.5',
  v8: '8.4.371.23-node.76',
  uv: '1.41.0',
  zlib: '1.2.11',
  brotli: '1.0.9',
  ares: '1.17.2',
  modules: '83',
  nghttp2: '1.42.0',
  napi: '8',
  llhttp: '2.1.3',
  openssl: '1.1.1k',
  cldr: '39.0',
  icu: '69.1',
  tz: '2021a',
  unicode: '13.0'

yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning node-sass > [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
warning node-sass > node-gyp > [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
warning node-sass > node-gyp > [email protected]: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.
[2/4] Fetching packages...
warning Pattern ["nan@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Yarn\\Cache\\v6\\npm-nan-2.17.0-c0150a2368a182f033e9aa5195ec76ea41a199cb-integrity\\node_modules\\nan" as pattern ["nan@^2.12.1","nan@^2.13.2"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "emoji-mart-vue-fast > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.6.11".
warning "emoji-mart-vue-fast > vue-virtual-scroller > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.3.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^2.5.21".
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>= 0.14.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.36.0 || ^5.0.0".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
[-/3] ⠈ waiting...
[2/3] ⠁ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.9.2 found at \"C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe\"
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-headers.tar.gz
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-headers.tar.gz
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http 404 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x64/node.lib
gyp info find VS using VS2019 (16.11.33328.57) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\14.17.5\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\14.17.5',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\14.17.5\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\NodeRtUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\src\\win_delay_load_hook.cc : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\OpaqueWrapper.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\CollectionsConverterUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:194:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:277:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
gyp ERR! node -v v14.17.5
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.1.0
[-/3] ⠁ waiting...
[2/3] ⠂ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.9.2 found at \"C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe\"
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-headers.tar.gz
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/node-v14.17.5-headers.tar.gz
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http 404 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v14.17.5/win-x86/node.lib
gyp info find VS using VS2019 (16.11.33328.57) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\14.17.5\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\14.17.5',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\14.17.5\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\NodeRtUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\src\\win_delay_load_hook.cc : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\CollectionsConverterUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\OpaqueWrapper.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:194:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:277:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
gyp ERR! node -v v14.17.5
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.1.0
success Saved lockfile.
$ electron-builder install-app-deps
  • electron-builder  version=22.14.13
Done in 13.52s.

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage>yarn install
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
$ electron-builder install-app-deps
  • electron-builder  version=22.14.13
Done in 1.15s.

Calling yarn serve

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage>yarn serve
yarn run v1.22.19
$ vue-cli-service electron:serve
 INFO  Starting development server...
Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at chainWebpack (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:18:24)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:55:5
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:40
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Service.resolveChainableWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:26)
    at Service.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:240:48)
    at PluginAPI.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\PluginAPI.js:132:25)
    at serve (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\commands\serve.js:75:31)
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:299:40
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\bin\vue-cli-service.js:36:9)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1072:14)
Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at chainWebpack (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:18:24)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:55:5
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:40
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Service.resolveChainableWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:236:26)
    at Service.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:240:48)
    at PluginAPI.resolveWebpackConfig (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\PluginAPI.js:132:25)
    at serve (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\commands\serve.js:75:31)
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:299:40
    at Service.run (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\lib\Service.js:230:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\@vue\cli-service\bin\vue-cli-service.js:36:9)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1072:14)
98% after emitting CopyPlugin

 WARNING  Compiled with 1 warning                                                                             2:58:36 PM

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):

    5:24  warning  Delete `;`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
    8:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
    9:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   10:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   11:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   13:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   14:1   warning  Replace `········this.io·=·new·IntersectionObserver(this.callback.bind(this),·options);` with `····this.io·=·new·IntersectionObserver(this.callback.bind(this),·options)`                                                                                                                                                              prettier/prettier
   15:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   16:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   17:1   warning  Replace `········this.io.observe(document.getElementById(id));` with `····this.io.observe(document.getElementById(id))`                                                                                                                                                                                                                prettier/prettier
   18:1   warning  Replace `········this.callbacks.set(id,·intersectedCallback);` with `····this.callbacks.set(id,·intersectedCallback)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prettier/prettier
   19:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   21:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   22:1   warning  Replace `········this.backlog.forEach((registerCallback)` with `····this.backlog.forEach(registerCallback`                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
   23:1   warning  Replace `············registerCallback(`vue-lazy-image-${this.uid}`);` with `······registerCallback(`vue-lazy-image-${this.uid}`)`                                                                                                                                                                                                      prettier/prettier
   24:1   warning  Replace `········});` with `····})`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    prettier/prettier
   25:1   warning  Replace `········this.backlog·=·[];` with `····this.backlog·=·[]`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      prettier/prettier
   26:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   28:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   29:1   warning  Replace `········entries.forEach((entry)` with `····entries.forEach(entry`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
   30:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   31:1   warning  Replace `················this.io.unobserve(document.getElementById(entry.target.id));` with `········this.io.unobserve(document.getElementById(entry.target.id))`                                                                                                                                                                      prettier/prettier
   32:1   warning  Replace `················this.callbacks.get(entry.target.id)();` with `········this.callbacks.get(entry.target.id)()`                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prettier/prettier
   33:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   34:1   warning  Replace `········});` with `····})`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    prettier/prettier
   35:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   36:2   warning  Delete `;`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
   39:1   warning  Replace `····` with `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               prettier/prettier
   40:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   41:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   42:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   43:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   44:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   45:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   46:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   47:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   48:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   49:5   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   50:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   51:7   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   52:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   53:5   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   54:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   55:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   56:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   57:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   58:1   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   59:7   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   60:1   warning  Replace `········};` with `····}`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      prettier/prettier
   61:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   62:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   63:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   64:1   warning  Replace `············return·this.isIntersected␍⏎················?·this.src␍⏎················:·'';` with `······return·this.isIntersected·?·this.src·:·''`                          prettier/prettier
   67:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   68:1   warning  Replace `····` with `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               prettier/prettier
   69:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   70:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
   71:1   warning  Replace `············this.isIntersected·=·true;` with `······this.isIntersected·=·true`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                prettier/prettier
   72:7   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   73:1   warning  Replace `············this.$emit('intersected',·this.$el);` with `······this.$emit('intersected',·this.$el)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   74:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   75:5   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   76:1   warning  Replace `············this.isLoaded·=·true;` with `······this.isLoaded·=·true`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   77:1   warning  Replace `············this.$emit('loaded',·this.$el);` with `······this.$emit('loaded',·this.$el)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      prettier/prettier
   78:5   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   79:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   80:1   warning  Replace `············this.isError·=·true;` with `······this.isError·=·true`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   81:1   warning  Replace `············this.$emit('error',·this.$el);` with `······this.$emit('error',·this.$el)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   82:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   83:1   warning  Replace `····` with `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               prettier/prettier
   84:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   85:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   86:1   warning  Replace `············class:·[␍⏎················'vue-lazy-image',␍⏎················{·loaded:·this.isLoaded,·error:·this.isError·},␍⏎············` with `······class:·['vue-lazy-image',·{·loaded:·this.isLoaded,·error:·this.isError·}`                                                                                                 prettier/prettier
   90:1   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   91:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   92:1   warning  Replace `············` with `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prettier/prettier
   93:1   warning  Delete `······`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prettier/prettier
   94:5   warning  Replace `····});` with `})`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
   96:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   97:7   warning  Replace `······return·img;` with `return·img`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
   98:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
  100:1   warning  Replace `········return·h(␍⏎············'picture',␍⏎············{·onLoad:·this.loaded,·onError:·this.error·},␍⏎············this.intersected·?·[this.$slots.default(),·img]·:·[img]␍⏎········);` with `····return·h('picture',·{·onLoad:·this.loaded,·onError:·this.error·},·this.intersected·?·[this.$slots.default(),·img]·:·[img])`  prettier/prettier
  105:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
  106:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
  107:5   warning  Replace `····manager.register(this.id,·this.intersected);` with `manager.register(this.id,·this.intersected)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
  108:1   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
  109:2   warning  Delete `;`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
  112:1   warning  Replace `····install:·(app)` with `··install:·app`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     prettier/prettier
  113:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
  114:7   warning  Replace `······return;` with `return`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prettier/prettier
  115:1   warning  Replace `········` with `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         prettier/prettier
  116:1   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
  117:7   warning  Replace `······return;` with `return`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prettier/prettier
  118:5   warning  Delete `····`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prettier/prettier
  120:1   warning  Replace `········app.component('lazy-image',·image);` with `····app.component('lazy-image',·image)`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    prettier/prettier
  121:1   warning  Replace `········manager.registerObserver();` with `····manager.registerObserver()`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    prettier/prettier
  122:1   warning  Replace `········manager.runBacklog();` with `····manager.runBacklog()`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                prettier/prettier
  123:3   warning  Delete `··`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prettier/prettier
  124:2   warning  Delete `;`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier
  126:22  warning  Delete `;`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prettier/prettier

✖ 100 problems (0 errors, 100 warnings)
  0 errors and 100 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.

You may use special comments to disable some warnings.
Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line.
Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file.

  App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/
  - Network:

  Note that the development build is not optimized.
  To create a production build, run yarn build.

Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at bundleMain (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:602:20)
    at startElectron (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:316:49)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:408:7
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
Error: Could not find a package.json for module @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:149:17
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at getExternals (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\lib\webpackConfig.js:111:41)
    at bundleMain (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:602:20)
    at startElectron (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:316:49)
    at A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder\index.js:408:7
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
-  Bundling main process...No issues found.
|  Bundling main process...

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 2781ms                                                                        2:58:40 PM

  File              Size                                             Gzipped

  build\index.js    1625.65 KiB                                      340.01 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.

 INFO  Launching Electron...
App threw an error during load
Error: Cannot find module 'fs/promises'
Require stack:
- A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\index.js
- A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\default_app.asar\main.js

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 01 '23 21:03 TempAccountNull

Files missing:

  • node_modules\@nodert-win10-rs4\windows.data.xml.dom
  • fs/promises
  • node_modules\@nodert-win10-rs4\windows.ui.notifications\CollectionsConverterUtils.cpp : fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd':

Electron crash due to package.json (pull request issued to fix this in future builds)

 INFO  Launching Electron...
App threw an error during load
Error: Cannot find module 'fs/promises'
Require stack:
- A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\index.js
- A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\default_app.asar\main.js
    at Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:972:15)
    at Function.n._resolveFilename (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:249:921)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:848:27)
    at Function.f._load (electron/js2c/asar_bundle.js:5:12633)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1032:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
    at eval (webpack:///external_%22fs/promises%22?:1:18)
    at Object.fs/promises (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\index.js:3892:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\index.js:20:30)
    at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/electron-updater/out/AppUpdater.js?:8:20)
run yarn build
Done in 309.77s.


TempAccountNull avatar Mar 01 '23 21:03 TempAccountNull

For others who would like to build, but cannot run the newest revision. @Techassi @sgtaziz

[✅] Marked as Buildable and able to run!

Steps to build

First check your build environment

node --version

This must match: v14.21.3

Important node notes: Either install it from https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.21.3/ or install nvm and use command 'nvm install 14' to install it via nvm.

npm --version

This must match: 6.14.18 If invalid version or newer npm version run

npm install -g [email protected]

For NPM (if installed, but not required)

nvm --version


yarn --version

This must match: 1.22.19

Fixing the fs:/promises error above. (due to node version mismatch)

Build the main branch and run the following commands on a windows environment. 0. Open package.json and change

"electron-updater": "^4.3.8", 


"electron-updater": "4.3.8",
  1. yarn install
  2. yarn run generate-icons (Building the icons otherwise you'll be missing file dependents)
  3. yarn run build
  4. yarn serve
  5. Success!


Until @sgtaziz adds this fix the build will fail to run until this happens here's a copy that uses my repo that fixes building and running.

@echo off

::clear console

::kill previous tasks for folder deletion
taskkill /IM "WebMessage.exe" /F >> NUL

Echo WebMessage Builder for ios 14.2 - 14.8

Echo [*] Step 1: Checking if a older version of the repo exists...
::check if folder exists and if it does delete it!
if exist "WebMessage" (
    echo [!] The folder exists! Deleting it to continue with build of current repo.
	rd "WebMessage" /S /Q
	echo [*] Step 2: Now re-run this script to redownload and compile!
) else (
    echo [*] Step 1: The folder does not exist let's clone it.
	echo original git clone https://github.com/sgtaziz/WebMessage/
	git clone https://github.com/TempAccountNull/WebMessage/
	cd "WebMessage"
	echo [*] Step 2: Installing the repo to be able to build!
	yarn install
	echo [*] Step 3: Building project icons!
	yarn run generate-icons
	echo [*] Step 4: Building project in development environment!
	yarn serve
	echo [*] Step 5: Building application in build folder to be run from a removeable env...
	yarn run build

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 01 '23 21:03 TempAccountNull

@sgtaziz sent the pull request.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 02 '23 02:03 TempAccountNull

Marked as closed.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 02 '23 02:03 TempAccountNull

Thanks a lot. I'll push build 0.7.1 later 👍

sgtaziz avatar Mar 02 '23 02:03 sgtaziz

Thanks a lot. I'll push build 0.7.1 later 👍

No problem my friend. I sent you a friend request over on discord if you ever want me to drop a chat to test ios 15 functionality since i have 3 different devices i can test with.

Re-opened because vital information is here for others.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 02 '23 08:03 TempAccountNull

Btw, I started migrating to a new toolchain. This should fix all issues mentioned above and the package will work on modern NodeJS versions as well. The current status can be found here.

Techassi avatar Mar 02 '23 20:03 Techassi

Btw, I started migrating to a new toolchain. This should fix all issues mentioned above and the package will work on modern NodeJS versions as well. The current status can be found here.

Awesome! Look forward to it.

sgtaziz avatar Mar 03 '23 07:03 sgtaziz

@TempAccountNull I pushed an update to all dependencies including electron. It should build now on Node 18 (probably 19 too, haven't tested) I will keep it as a pre-release for now. If you can confirm if its working for you, that'd be great! I unfortunately can't test it.

sgtaziz avatar Mar 03 '23 07:03 sgtaziz


sgtaziz avatar Mar 03 '23 12:03 sgtaziz

@TempAccountNull I pushed an update to all dependencies including electron. It should build now on Node 18 (probably 19 too, haven't tested) I will keep it as a pre-release for now. If you can confirm if its working for you, that'd be great! I unfortunately can't test it.

~~I will take a look in a vm environment soon.~~ I appreciate the updates you guys! @sgtaziz @Techassi


0.7.2 Build Results:



  npm: '6.14.18',
  ares: '1.18.1',
  brotli: '1.0.9',
  cldr: '40.0',
  icu: '70.1',
  llhttp: '2.1.6',
  modules: '83',
  napi: '8',
  nghttp2: '1.42.0',
  node: '14.21.3',
  openssl: '1.1.1t',
  tz: '2022f',
  unicode: '14.0',
  uv: '1.42.0',
  v8: '8.4.371.23-node.88',
  zlib: '1.2.11'


 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                        6:41:16 PM

 error  in ./src/views/Home/notifications.ts

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'powertoast' in 'A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\src\views\Home'

ERROR in ./src/views/Home/notifications.ts 22:16-37
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'powertoast' in 'A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\src\views\Home'
 @ ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!./node_modules/@vue/cli-plugin-typescript/node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-41.use[1]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/Home/index.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts 6:0-48 17:26-43
 @ ./src/views/Home/index.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts 1:0-284 1:0-284 1:285-558 1:285-558
 @ ./src/views/Home/index.vue 2:0-56 3:0-51 3:0-51 8:49-55
 @ ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js 1:0-32 5:4-8
 @ ./src/App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js 1:0-189 1:0-189 1:190-368 1:190-368
 @ ./src/App.vue 2:0-54 3:0-49 3:0-49 6:49-55
 @ ./src/main.ts 2:0-28 22:22-25

webpack compiled with 1 error
No issues found.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 04 '23 00:03 TempAccountNull

Node v18 Results

Status: ✅Marked as Buildable and able to run!

Link: https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-x64.msi Comparative Job: https://app.travis-ci.com/github/sgtaziz/WebMessage/jobs/597243319

Build Environment Logs

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging>npm version
  npm: '6.14.18',
  acorn: '8.8.1',
  ares: '1.18.1',
  brotli: '1.0.9',
  cldr: '42.0',
  icu: '72.1',
  llhttp: '6.0.10',
  modules: '108',
  napi: '8',
  nghttp2: '1.51.0',
  nghttp3: '0.7.0',
  ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
  node: '18.14.2',
  openssl: '3.0.8+quic',
  simdutf: '3.1.0',
  tz: '2022g',
  undici: '5.20.0',
  unicode: '15.0',
  uv: '1.44.2',
  uvwasi: '0.0.14',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.13'

A:\EngineBuild\Messaging>yarn --version

Build Results


WebMessage Builder for ios 14.2 - 14.8
[*] Step 1: Checking if a older version of the repo exists...
[*] Step 1: The folder does not exist let's clone it.
Cloning into 'WebMessage'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1119, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (109/109), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (85/85), done.
remote: Total 1119 (delta 57), reused 53 (delta 23), pack-reused 1010
Receiving objects: 100% (1119/1119), 1.76 MiB | 8.53 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (731/731), done.

Using yarn build

[*] Step 2: Installing the repo to be able to build!
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "vue-linkify > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>= 0.14.0".
warning "@vue/cli-service > @babel/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^5.0.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@*".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
[-/10] ⠄ waiting...
[9/10] ⡀ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
[-/10] ⡀ waiting...
[-/10] ⡀ waiting...
warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.11.0 found at \"C:\\Python311\\python.exe\"
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-headers.tar.gz
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-headers.tar.gz
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http 404 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp info find VS using VS2022 (17.4.33403.182) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Python311\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\18.14.2\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\18.14.2',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\18.14.2\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.ui.notifications\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal  error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:203:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.ui.notifications
[-/10] ⢀ waiting...
[9/10] ⠠ @nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom
[-/10] ⠠ waiting...
[-/10] ⠠ waiting...
warning Error running install script for optional dependency: "A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-gyp rebuild
Directory: A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node \"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\node-gyp-bin\\\\..\\..\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js\" rebuild )  else (node \"\" rebuild )
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using [email protected]
gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
gyp info find Python using Python version 3.11.0 found at \"C:\\Python311\\python.exe\"
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-headers.tar.gz
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-headers.tar.gz
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http GET https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/SHASUMS256.txt
gyp http 404 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-arm64/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x86/node.lib
gyp http 200 https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.14.2/win-x64/node.lib
gyp info find VS using VS2022 (17.4.33403.182) found at:
gyp info find VS \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\"
gyp info find VS run with --verbose for detailed information
gyp info spawn C:\\Python311\\python.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\gyp\\\\gyp_main.py',
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build\\\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\addon.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\18.14.2\\\\include\\\\node\\\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\node-gyp\\\\Cache\\\\18.14.2',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\Admin\\\\\\\\AppData\\\\\\\\Local\\\\\\\\node-gyp\\\\\\\\Cache\\\\\\\\18.14.2\\\\\\\\<(target_arch)\\\\\\\\node.lib',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'A:\\\\EngineBuild\\\\Messaging\\\\WebMessage\\\\node_modules\\\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\\\windows.data.xml.dom\\\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
gyp info spawn C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [
gyp info spawn args   'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64'
gyp info spawn args ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the \"-m\" switch.
A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\_nodert_generated.cpp : fatal  error C1107: could not find assembly 'platform.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable [A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom\\build\\binding.vcxproj]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\lib\\build.js:203:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19044
gyp ERR! command \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node.exe\" \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\nodejs\\\\node_modules\\\\npm\\\\node_modules\\\\node-gyp\\\\bin\\\\node-gyp.js\" \"rebuild\"
gyp ERR! cwd A:\\EngineBuild\\Messaging\\WebMessage\\node_modules\\@nodert-win10-rs4\\windows.data.xml.dom
$ electron-builder install-app-deps
  • electron-builder  version=22.14.13
Done in 20.13s.

Building Icons

[*] Step 3: Building project icons!
yarn run v1.22.19
$ electron-icon-builder --input=./public/icon.png --output=build --flatten
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\16.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\24.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\32.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\48.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\64.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\128.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\256.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\512.png
Created A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\1024.png
Icon generator from PNG:
  src: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons
  dir: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons
  Create: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\icon.icns
Icon generator from PNG:
  src: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons
  dir: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons
  Create: A:\EngineBuild\Messaging\WebMessage\build\icons\icon.ico
Renaming PNGs to Electron Format
Renamed 16.png to 16x16.png
Renamed 24.png to 24x24.png
Renamed 32.png to 32x32.png
Renamed 48.png to 48x48.png
Renamed 64.png to 64x64.png
Renamed 128.png to 128x128.png
Renamed 256.png to 256x256.png
Renamed 512.png to 512x512.png
Renamed 1024.png to 1024x1024.png

Done in 0.81s.

Actual build for production

[*] Step 4: Building application in build folder to be run from a removeable env...
yarn run v1.22.19
$ vue-cli-service electron:build
 INFO  Bundling render process:
All browser targets in the browserslist configuration have supported ES module.
Therefore we don't build two separate bundles for differential loading.

-  Building for production...

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 15566ms                                                                       6:47:42 PM

  File                                          Size                               Gzipped

  build\bundled\js\chunk-vendors.f6b26319.js    2977.89 KiB                        715.90 KiB
  build\bundled\js\app.62730010.js              111.60 KiB                         37.93 KiB
  build\bundled\css\app.280870cd.css            49.07 KiB                          10.06 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.
  Build at: 2023-03-04T00:47:42.478Z - Hash: a4c9346c6d1da41d - Time: 15566ms

 DONE  Build complete. The build\bundled directory is ready to be deployed.
 INFO  Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html

/  Bundling main process...

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 4765ms                                                                        6:47:47 PM

  File                      Size                                         Gzipped

  build\bundled\index.js    825.93 KiB                                   231.16 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.
  Build at: 2023-03-04T00:47:47.287Z - Hash: 974bf75a513336114317 - Time: 4765ms

 INFO  Building app with electron-builder:
  • electron-builder  version=22.14.13 os=10.0.19044
  • writing effective config  file=build\builder-effective-config.yaml
  • packaging       platform=win32 arch=x64 electron=18.3.7 appOutDir=build\win-unpacked
  • downloading     url=https://github.com/electron/electron/releases/download/v18.3.7/electron-v18.3.7-win32-x64.zip size=89 MB parts=8
  • downloaded      url=https://github.com/electron/electron/releases/download/v18.3.7/electron-v18.3.7-win32-x64.zip duration=1.651s
  • building        target=nsis file=build\WebMessage Setup 0.7.2.exe archs=x64 oneClick=true perMachine=false
  • building block map  blockMapFile=build\WebMessage Setup 0.7.2.exe.blockmap
 DONE  Build complete!
Done in 46.57s.

Dev environment build

[*] Step 5: Building project in development environment!
yarn run v1.22.19
$ vue-cli-service electron:serve
 INFO  Starting development server...

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 8721ms                                                                        6:48:22 PM

  App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/
  - Network:

  Note that the development build is not optimized.
  To create a production build, run yarn build.

-  Bundling main process...No issues found.
/  Bundling main process...

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 987ms                                                                         6:48:23 PM

  File              Size                                             Gzipped

  build\index.js    2365.39 KiB                                      480.28 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.
  Build at: 2023-03-04T00:48:23.862Z - Hash: 4e7d3da8424ab6703c52 - Time: 987ms

 INFO  Launching Electron...

(node:12208) ExtensionLoadWarning: Warnings loading extension at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\webmessage\extensions\ljjemllljcmogpfapbkkighbhhppjdbg:
  Manifest version 2 is deprecated, and support will be removed in 2023. See https://developer.chrome.com/blog/mv2-transition/ for more details.
  Permission 'contextMenus' is unknown or URL pattern is malformed.

(Use `electron --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Skip checkForUpdates because application is not packed and dev update config is not forced
checkForUpdatesAndNotify called, downloadPromise is null
(node:9224) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `electron --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[12208:0303/184827.567:ERROR:CONSOLE(160)] "Electron sandbox_bundle.js script failed to run", source: node:electron/js2c/sandbox_bundle (160)
[12208:0303/184827.567:ERROR:CONSOLE(160)] "TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))", source: node:electron/js2c/sandbox_bundle (160)



TempAccountNull avatar Mar 04 '23 00:03 TempAccountNull

Would this new release make WebMessage compatible with IOS 15/16. I know this update is for the client and not so much for the tweak but is there a chance it could work?

z4ssy avatar Mar 13 '23 02:03 z4ssy

Would this new release make WebMessage compatible with IOS 15/16. I know this update is for the client and not so much for the tweak but is there a chance it could work?

As I stated here: https://github.com/sgtaziz/WebMessage/issues/200#issuecomment-1466167470. The short answer is no, it won't work, the framework is different on newer versions of iOS. It will need a complete rewrite which will break compatibility on anything older than iOS 15.

The reason for this update (0.7.1 - 0.7.2) is to update broken or incompatible versions to support fresh ones to allow building again.

TempAccountNull avatar Mar 13 '23 13:03 TempAccountNull