something odd for me, twitter seems to ingest the same item 20-24 times. This happens when it process a retweet that contains an image. Thoughts?
sure, here it is: ``` Label com.brettterpstra.Slogger ProgramArguments /usr/bin/ruby /Applications/Slogger/slogger -s StartCalendarInterval Hour 23 Minute 50 ``` Nothing looks out of the ordinary in lingon.
curious: sudo launchctl unload com.brettterpstra.slogger.plist launchctl: Dubious ownership on file (skipping): com.brettterpstra.slogger.plist nothing found to unload
no effect. :/ it still won't unload with same dubious ownership claim.
permissions are indeed -rw-r--r--
deleting and recreating file to no avail :/
@alextall has it kept working? Any idea what might have changed? Mine still not working.