@jamiephillips0000 Facing the same issue. Found any solution ?
@ThatMate I am facing the same issue where the scroll stops to the right at 3rd slide during second loop. When we scroll to left, infinite scroll is working properly....
@JoaoCEAlmeida In line number ~820 in Carousel.js file, we have this code - `if (nextActiveItem === this._itemToSnapTo && scrollOffset === this._scrollOffsetRef) { this._repositionScroll(nextActiveItem); }` So scrollOffset and this._scrollOffsetRef didn't have...
@JoaoCEAlmeida These are the optional props I am using. Data, renderItem, etc are anyways needed. `layout={‘default’} sliderWidth={SCREEN_WIDTH} itemWidth={SCREEN_WIDTH} loop autoplay inactiveSlideOpacity={1} inactiveSlideScale={1}`
@JoaoCEAlmeida I am using version `3.9.1`