Jason Greenwood
Jason Greenwood
KIP is at 2.9.0, I upgraded yesterday afternoon. Today I came home from work and it looks like this:  Chromium has crashed but is still on the taskbar, and...
my KIP layout is just the demo and using the demo server for data. I am running Openplotter 4, so Bookworm. The only Kip directory was at: ~/.signalk/node_modules/@mxtommy/kip and the...
I was signed into the server but am I signed into KIP? not sure:  I killed the KIP window just after 8pm and the memory no longer escalates, so...
I noticed that when I went to KIP's Setting screen, the CPU usage and memory escalation stops:  I have since gone back to the earlier screen (page0) and the...
I just got home and it had crashed. I had already deleted the Wind display and the historic True wind graph. After waiting to see if the memory continued to...
I started removing stuff and the Historic data chart was removed first, then the Wind Steering dial and neither stopped the condition. I then removed the Linear Gauge (Apparent wind)...
I ran out of time last night, I will try that tonight.
Just got home and I am not sure it is fixed. My Kip screen is frozen, and I had to reload it. The graphs looked like this:  so it...
No, I run KIP in a browser window, occupying the right half of the screen, with OCPN on the left half of the screen
it is running the Beta version as of now, I can run it overnight and then check it. is there a quick way to reload to the default set of...