Jason Greenwood
Jason Greenwood
I really like the B&G SailSteer view and they indicate True wind, Apparent wind, Bearing to Waypoint, heading, COG, Laylines and current direction and speed. I think KIP has most...
Just putting together a battery monitor and saw this same issue. NMEA2000 spec calls out capacity in Coulumbs: SetN2kPGN127513(N2kMsg,BatInstance,BatType,SupportsEqual,BatNominalVoltage,BatChemistry,BatCapacity, BatTemperatureCoefficient,PeukertExponent,ChargeEfficiencyFactor); ********************************************************** * \param N2kMsg Reference to a N2kMsg Object, Output:...
I think between: Course API - the Spec. - nmea0183-signalk (APB) there are inconsistencies, APB writes the Waypoint as ......nextPoint.ID, but this is not in the spec. I added to...
With regard to "navigation.courseRhumbline.nextPoint.ID" what should it be? if we get a consensus, I will fix APB
The Code for APB has both "bearingTrackTrue" and "bearingOriginToDestinationTrue" this could be for legacy reasons, so I am reluctant to remove it unless @tkurki says it is OK to remove?...
OK, with regard to BOD, I will leave as is. On APB, I can correct the .nextpoint.bearingTrue/Magnetic entries and the .autopilot.targetHeadingTrue/Magnetic but I will wait until @tkurki comments about removal...
I think this is the console log entry associated: I have not changed anything yet, so KIP is as per the demo: this is page zero and was the one...
David, Sorry for the lack of feedback, I am currently traveling in Italy and will be back to home on Sunday I will update you then Jason Sent from my...
Sorry for my lack of feedback, I had a few other issues so last weekend I did a new install and I have been watching it, but not closely. I...
I did reload KIP browser window when my memory was around 90%, as it wasn't responding and the Memory and CPU usage dropped dramatically: