yeah I've been just using constant intervals.
I have noticed this issue too, it seems that the only timestep that calculates correct physics is 1/60th of a second.
@liabru do you happen to have the source to that raycasting algorithm that takes advantage of the grid broadphase? I tried contacting Sam Redfern to get it, but it seems...
Nevermind, I found found a speedy way to do it. Basically just collect all the bodies that are gonna intersect the ray with `Matter.Query.ray()` into an array and then test...
Alright sorry guys for spamming this post, but I finished up the raycasting method, you can get it [here on pastebin]( because it is 316 lines, including comments, and didn't...
> To use the grid essentially you will want to find the ray's grid region (using its AABB) Okay, that makes much more sense, I assumed he was using some...
@singerbj hey good catch, I forgot about the sort algorithm using signed numbers instead of bools. Anyway I'm glad the code's working for you otherwise!
> Did you manage to find a solution to this? Having the same issue? unfortunately I never found a fix for it. I was forced to use PNG export format
Hi, I think that using the PIXI.Loader.shared does not work with spine data. you will need to create a new PIXI.Loader(); ``` let loader = new PIXI.Loader(); loader.add("spine", "gameassets/1.00/spines/@1x/Title.json"); loader.load();...
I also just want to say that it is actually quite nice to be able to query for "almost" collisions, like how it works now. Of course this should be...