
Results 12 comments of StanJ

One point not mentioned above is flash brand and size. I have a Wemos NodeMCU V3 with an XMC 32Mb flash, part number XM25QH32B. There are two issues in the...

ESP.deepSleep(10e6, RF_DISABLED); That RF_DISABLED means exactly that... There are 2 ways to wake the modem after you've hard-disabled it with that Deep Sleep option, but you're not attempting either one.... That should wake the modem again after you disable it with that Deep Sleep option. Try it. BTW, case and syntax are important. That option should be WAKE_RF_DISABLED or...

That's why I'm doing ESP. restart () between tests as I'm looking at the two PRs - don't want invalid test conditions left over from a previous test. ;-)

I've been doing some testing for Dirk for a week or two, and have re-verified the correct operation of this last commit 637f5d6. The timers are properly re-attached after Forced...

Utterly side comment, not required for this PR: I think I just figured out how the NodeMCU folks implemented something like '_wake from Forced Light Sleep with a CHANGE level...

(laughs) That's not exactly an MCVE, but it'll do. Timed Light Sleep (timer or GPIO wake) and Forced Light Sleep (GPIO wake) would benefit from API wrappers; the rest of...

Done! :sleeping: I beat igrr's results by ~20mA, and it works today. It barely peaks at 54mA, should be able to run with a 50mA PSU if you're not using...

@d-a-v I'll play with the Light Sleep modes (the only two currently not encapsulated) to make sure the optional items can go _before_ the base sleep functions. The Timed Light...

It appears there's WAY more involved in bringing it out of Light Sleep than I thought. What I'd been fighting is that the top two timers on the os_timer list...