node-auto-launch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-auto-launch copied to clipboard

Launch applications or executables at login (Mac, Windows, and Linux)

Results 32 node-auto-launch issues
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OS: Windows Context: AppX registration on enable() According to, enable() with AppX doesn't register the application as intended. Investigate and add appropriate test coverage.

good first issue

Since we are support specifically the "hidden" argument, and because we support adding extra arguments (whatever please the developers), we could extend the API to provide a way to get...

help wanted

## Target platforms this affects (Linux, Mac, Mac app store, and or Windows): For now, I have only implemented this on Linux. I have to take a better look at...


### Target Platform - Windows - Mac - Linux ### What Problem does this solve? This adds functionality requested in issue #21 ### Could it break existing functionality No, this...

- The target platform(s) the problem occurs on: Linux - Node version (run `node -v`): 8.10.0 - auto-launch version: 5.0.5 - The options i'm passing to auto-launch: ``` var autoLauncher...

- The target platform(s) the problem occurs on (Linux, Mac, Mac App Store, and or Windows): - Node version (run `node -v`): - auto-launch version: - The options you're passing...

Add `toggle` method for easy enable/disable. This makes it easy to set based based on a variable. #### Current: ``` js var somebool; autoLauncher[(somebool ? 'enable' : 'disable')](function(err) { console.log(err);...

help wanted
good first issue

This issue is coming when i restart my system and app throw error. Mac 10.11.6 node 5.8.0 auto-launch 5.0.0 Error: Command failed: osascript -e ' tell application "System Events" to...

Currently `auto-launch` will add/delete a registry key to add it to the startup list. WIndows also seems to remember what the status that was set between adding/removing from the startup...


I would like to be able to make whether the application is hidden on auto launch user settable, but the current API doesn't make that feasible. There is no way...

help wanted