
Results 6 issues of Team

Destroying assets is not permitted to avoid data loss. If you really want to remove an asset use DestroyImmediate (theObject, true); UnityEngine.Object:Destroy (UnityEngine.Object) XNode.NodeGraph:Clear () (at Assets/Scripts/xNode-1.8.0/Scripts/NodeGraph.cs:51) XNode.NodeGraph:OnDestroy () (at...

Trying `$ ./git-chglog_windows_386.exe --init` result in `? What is the URL of your repository? ( ERROR Incorrect function.` ## Expected Behavior Init a repository ## Actual Behavior Throws error ##...

Spotlight window open always on (0, 0) and blinking as mad. This guy(@edatencio) fix it, but don't merge, and he close issues, so I I`ll create pull request for this...

- Move code to Editor folder - Update Unity to 2019.4.12 - Fix nullrefs - Move settings from EditorPrefs to local .json file