- Add Custom Skin for single level or global
- Add **Sprite Frame** to Storyboard sprite. For example: ```jsonc { "sprites": [ { // path:"" // no use "frames": { "speed": 60, "paths": [ "a_1.png", "a_2.png" ] }, //......
Now Cytoid can not load cytoidlevel which saved in other app. Maybe we can load it by sharing.
lines have many buugs in player. such as: 1. do not show when should show until reload sb 2. do show when destroied after reload
如果直接使用 `Files.ReadWrite.All`, 应用将可以访问全部的文件, 对用户和开发者都不安全. 但是如果使用`Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder`, 可以将应用的访问权限限制在应用程序文件夹内. 要进行修改也很简单, 只需将`config.js` 的 `scope` 改成 `'openid https://graph.microsoft.com/Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder'`, 然后将`api.js` 中, url的 `drive/root:` 替换成 `drive/special/approot:` 即可. 经本地验证, 行为符合预期
One more todo left: `view {0} qualified` button in profile
Cytoid.io added a page for records, so we can add a record link when sharing (after uploaded the record) example: https://next.cytoid.io/records/34978/18211023
Device: Mi 13, Android 13 在游玩时会随机出现进度倒退的情况, 原因未知 https://github.com/Cytoid/Cytoid/assets/39217423/84d78317-b526-4503-9efe-5d9132be3d5a
code: [Assets/Scripts/Game/Notes/HoldNote.cs](https://github.com/Cytoid/Cytoid/blob/main/Assets/Scripts/Game/Notes/HoldNote.cs) ## The exist ### Practice 1. Start timing from click 2. if released before the judge point, give MISS 3. calc the HoldProgress, and judge it with it...