Thi Nguyen
Thi Nguyen
We've found that it is a bug. The self-referencing composite key on Postgres is not working at the current. We'll fix it soon. Maybe you can use the MySQL option...
There're some small barricades with your script. However, we've parsed your file successfully with these steps: * The current encoding of the file is "UTF-16LE", which we haven't supported. So...
Did you use the latest version of dbdocs CLI? On the other hand, can you try again with the below DBML? It's still valid on our side. ``` Enum Example...
Unfortunately, we don’t support that option from MySQL. However, we’ve noted it to consider implementing in the future.
The `--mssql` option is not previously added to CLI modules. We've fixed this with the released `2.4.0` version. Maybe you should try it again.
Since we haven't supported other encoding except for UTF-8, maybe you can convert the file's encoding to UTF-8 & try again.
I think the SQL should be: ``` CREATE TABLE `test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `gid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `gid` USING BTREE (`gid`) ); ```...
Yes, you are correct. We do not currently support or parse ALTER statements. However, we are gradually improving that ability. With (we'll try to revamp the PostgreSQL parser 1st),...