
Results 88 comments of TatriX

Currently we are using the following trick: ```clojure ;;; my-project/stylesheet.cljs (ns my-project.stylesheet (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs] [garden.core :as garden)) (nodejs/enable-util-print!) (defn -main [& args] (println (garden/css ['styles]))) (set! *main-cli-fn* -main)...

Sure, if I still can keep all my styles in `cljs` files it would be perfect.

> What exactly do you mean by using data frames? Do you have a specific data frame library in mind, like pandas? Yep, mostly pandas or data.frame from R. https://github.com/nushell/rfcs/blob/6b7d41da853ece351f8b357600a3ff489f690f5c/text/0003-data-frames.md...

`http:serve port=8080 ./html` would be lovely

Also there could be shortcuts like `http:get example.com` and `http:post example.com (body)`

What do you think about something like `(defgeneric retreive-by-sql sql &optional binds &keys &allow-other-keys)`?

Any news on this?

I think I've got similar error from [eglot--format-markup](https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/blob/55c13a91378cdd7822c99bbbf340ea76b1f0bf38/eglot.el#L1371): ```elisp (with-temp-buffer (setq-local markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t) (insert "```odin\n raylib.KeyboardKey: enum\n```\n\n Keyboard keys (US keyboard layout)\n NOTE: Use GetKeyPressed() to allow redefining\n required keys...

I'm getting this error from `sqlx::query_file_as!(`, but not from `sqlx::query_as!(`. I assume it's not supported yet?