Data Science algorithms and topics that you must know. (Newly Designed) Recommender Systems, Decision Trees, K-Means, LDA, RFM-Segmentation, XGBoost in Python, R, and Scala.
Business Case Study to predict customer churn rate based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN), with TensorFlow and Keras in Python. This is a customer churn analysis that contains training, testing, and...
Popular Econometrics content with code; Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, OLS, Event Study including Time Series Analysis, Fixed Effects and Random Effects Regressions for Panel Da...
Books and Papers in Mathematics, Econometrics, Machine Learning, Finance etc for different levels that can be useful for Data Scientists, Developers and everyone whoo is interesting in STEM.
Mathematical & Statistical topics to perform statistical analysis and tests; Linear Regression, Probability Theory, Monte Carlo Simulation, Statistical Sampling, Bootstrapping, Dimensionality reductio...
Price Prediction Case Study predicting the Bitcoin price and the Google stock price using Deep Learning, RNN with LSTM layers with TensorFlow and Keras in Python. (Includes: Data, Case Study Paper, Co...
Data Science Portfolio of Tatev Karen Aslanyan including Case Studies and Research Projects that I have completed that solve business problems or introduce new products. Case Study papers, codes, and...
Case Studies in Finance: Stock Price Valuation using Black-Scholes using Brownian Motions, Investment Project comparing Stocks and Bonds, Determining Pension Fund's Premium. (Case Study Papers and Cod...
Computer Vision Case Study in image recognition to classify an image to a binary class, based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), with TensorFlow and Keras in Python, to identify from an image whe...
BabyGPT: Build Your Own GPT Large Language Model from Scratch Pre-Training Generative Transformer Models: Building GPT from Scratch with a Step-by-Step Guide to Generative AI in PyTorch and Python