Graham Rogers

Results 13 comments of Graham Rogers

This happens when requesting the image for the current date, but the current date's image is not available yet. For example, right now the current image displayed at is...

This is probably caused by the same thing as #748, it seems when the tick rate is set to 60Hz the reader causes belts to cap at 12. If the...

I discovered nginx's `proxy_cookie_domain` recently, it enables changing the domain of a cookie returned by a proxied service. I was curious if it would work with Authelia to have a...

I'm not talking about overriding `asBroadcastStream`, I just want to override `listen`, however I would expect `asBroadcastStream` to subscribe to the `DelegatingStream` subclass, not directly to the wrapped stream. I.e.,...

I see, that makes sense. My assumption would be that most people who want to wrap a stream would want all the methods to go via the overridden `listen`, but...

My workaround for this is to call `undef :select` just before setting up the slot, but obviously that's not ideal.

In case it is easier, I would also be OK with calling helper methods from the custom control block, then I could do this: ```ruby option_tags = custom(options: array(["1", "2",...

We ended up moving away from this library, instead building our own Storybook infrastructure using templates. We felt this library was fairly restrictive (e.g. lack of polymorphic slot support, lack...

My original dialog is embedded in our private repo so was awkward to share, but I've built a small example that reproduces the issue. If you go through the modal...

It seems the example in my gist works, but it still fails for my actual dialog. I'm trying to figure out what the difference between is that makes it fail,...