Gabriel Korpaliski Tassinari
Gabriel Korpaliski Tassinari
> Are your song in osu! Directory use weird character (Like non english character)? no bro
my osu is crashing only when i run gosumemory with active overlay, so I believe the problem is with the gosumemory or something missing in osu! folders
yes, the gosumemory works normally without the active overlay, but when I activate it the game crashes or the overlay just doesn't appear
> > my osu is crashing only when i run gosumemory with active overlay, so I believe the problem is with the gosumemory or something missing in osu! folders >...
> > my osu is crashing only when i run gosumemory with active overlay, so I believe the problem is with the gosumemory or something missing in osu! folders >...
> > basically if i enable the overlay the game crashes, but if i open the gosumemory without activating the overlay it works normally > > Do you play with...
yes windows 10, my graphics card is a gtx 1660 Ti and it crashes instantly and i can't see the overlay
> Got any antivirus running in the background? no, i only use windows defender
 > Please attach a screenshot of your `config.ini`