Hi, could you add support for KernelSU module manager installation? It should works similar to Magisk I think.
#### 摘要 / Summary 在部分文字框中通过滑动空格键来移动光标,焦点会移至输入区相邻的其他页面要素 #### 重现步骤 / Steps to Reproduce 1. 打开移动版 Github 页面 2. 点击搜索框 3. 向右滑动空格键 4. 焦点移至清空按钮 #### 预期行为 / Expected Behavior 光标应当停在输入区最右端(AOSP 输入法、Gboard、Swiftkey 均为如此) ####...
Please add an option to switch the position of lock buttonsn
Currently if you set an opacity for the danmaku, it will be hard to read on light color videos, even if you set a wide outline. Text shadows will help...