Andrey Taritsyn

Results 15 issues of Andrey Taritsyn

Hello! I was recently informed about a [strange error]( According to the description (`Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'name')`), this error occurs when reading a resource. And it seems that...


Hello! Initially, [this error]( was discovered by [Sergey Zwezdin]( By many characteristics, this error is very similar to [another issue]( registered in this repository. This error occurs in macOS 12.1...


Problem appeared after upgrading to version 3.5.3. ## input.sass ```sass @import url(,latin-ext) ``` ## Actual results The following error occurs: ``` Error: malformed URL on line 1 of ../../../../SharedFiles/import/sass/input.sass >>...

Bug - Regression
Compatibility - P3
Dart Backport Done

Problem appeared after upgrading to version 3.5.3. ## input.sass ```sass @import "folder/FolderIcon.css" screen, projection ``` ## Actual results The following error occurs: ``` Error: media query expression must begin with...

Bug - Regression
Dart Backport Done

Hello, Paul! If you run the following console application by using the latest version of Jurassic ([2f1eb7b]( ```csharp using System; using Jurassic; using Jurassic.Library; namespace TestJurassicJavaScriptException { class Program {...


Hello, Paul! If you run the following console application by using the latest version of Jurassic (e0d652b): ```csharp using System; using System.Text; using Jurassic; namespace TestJurassicInterop { class Program {...

Original `Jurassic.snk` file was taken from the [`0fcf4ec`]( commit.

Hello, Jeremy! In Jering.Javascript.NodeJS values of `null` and `undefined` types are always returned as `null`, that causes inconvenience. Most JS engines for .NET has a clearly separation for `null` and...


When using the current implementation of BrotliStream class in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 web application you may receive the following error: ``` InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call WriteAsync...

To fix a CI/CD errors, need to remove a Ubuntu 18.04 jobs.