``` function getDB() { $dbHost = 'localhost'; $db = 'csgocraz_mysql'; $dbUser = 'csgocraz_jonny'; $dbPass = 'johnnyd123'; // Get database password from outside of web root // $fileLoc = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ....
But you can also rent a cheap Vserver so you can create a passwords.xtx outside of the www folder. Here you can rent cheap Vservers https://goo.gl/BXolNt
you have setup the db in mysql ?
hmm ok you have create a chat msg in the db ?
 That is the format
hmm i think its better to rent a own server for all So you have all rights for all things
i cant hardcore the site for you because i code my own site atm and my brain is full with my site xD
Ok this Problem is a Bug from CSGOWinBig and need a fix pls. My users wont go in a pot when they cant see the actualy time.
no commission was a test