Please check that you have Android Pay disabled in your Braintree account.
Android Pay needs some extra settings in the android manifest and need Android Pay apis in build.graddle. Further instructions can be found here: https://developers.google.com/android-pay/setup Google rejects apps that has the...
Not sure. You have to add the above things to your platform/android project in Android Studio. If I make it automatic, Google will reject all apps that are not using...
You need something which starts the incoming call flow. In most cases this is a Voip Push message, which wakes your app. (You can see such an ionic plugin here:...
That is an Android 6+ feature, which means ~40% of users, but yes that should be implemented. Its on my list.
`private` is still valid in Swift 3. You can read the difference between `private` and `fileprivate` here: https://cocoacasts.com/what-is-the-difference-between-private-and-fileprivate-in-swift-3/ Why you think, that should be changed? I think the reason why...
Please try to do the same thing with your modifications. For me the same thing happens. The ionic build ios displays the following message: “Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) is required...
On android when you call reportIncomingCall it should bring MainAcitvity of your app to the front, and keeps the screen on, dismisses the keyguard, etc. If this is not working...
Keyguard should be dismissed by the plugin. If it doesn't work, then either your main activity is not called MainActivity or there is a bug in the plugin.
It is on my list, but wit low priority. If you need that functionality and you have time to implement here is what I know about this: An INExtension should...