Sebastien ROBERT
Sebastien ROBERT
Hi @Ahmed-Elias. Not sure if you are still interested, but I got a similar problem, and solved it by commenting the following line: Actually with a Sony reader (Felica)...
I think you posted in the wrong place. Open a new issue, if there is not a duplicate already.
I also use VS Code as a text reader / editor, not necessarily code ;) Since I live in Japan and work with Japanese people, yes I do read/write a...
Thank you very much for your consideration, but according to the complexity Iceborn added, the lack of time on my side, and the lack of interest for Armory from the...
Hello @ChaosSaber and thank you for your interest and proposal for help. Armory has been designed to lose couple UI (shell), data, and data processing. So roughly what will be...
My policy now about data is extraction from game's master data. No more website scrapping or conversion from fans' DB here and there. You may have seen `MHArmory.MhwDbDataSource` or `MHArmory.AthenaAssDataSource`...
I had a look at this project, for the moment they only extract raw data (basically transforming binary to key/value JSON) without sanitation, and it is only translation data. Well...
Hello @ChaosSaber Thank you for your hard work, I will check your PR as soon as I can. Quick question though, in a previous comment (that I didn't answer, sorry...
Hello @dougthor42 No I never tested it with Chocolatey. Since it's been a while I didn't touch this project, and NuGet evolved a lot since then (now version 4.x, I...
@dougthor42 @tapika I'm not maintaining this project anymore, but if you are using it, feel free to open a PR to add this feature. Ideally this project should be rebooted...