Hi, Is this issue still open for contribution? I am looking to contribute to it. From my understanding, we pass references to makeStatement() in Datamodel. I looked at the JSON...
> I do not understand this question, sorry. I cannot parse it. By this I meant that there is a parameter List of references passed to makeStatement() method in Datamodel...
Hi, Can you please give more insights about the problem? Like what is the above query fetching right now? Thank you
I went through the SPARQL tutorial, it was quite well explained. I would like to know what exactly the issue is? What I can understand is that in the "try...
Hi, Where can I find the triples stored, on which the WikiData runs its queries? Also, what are the endpoints of that server in order to make an RDF connection?
Hi, I am still unclear about the exact requirement in this issue. Can you please describe it once again in detail? What I can figure out is :- 1. This...
Hi, I was going the repository, is this issue still open? I can look into the issue once if it is still pending Thank you
Okay, thank you for your response.