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🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.

Results 310 query issues
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### Describe the bug It seems the react query devtools are currently not node importable. Install the devtools package and run `import("@tanstack/react-query-devtools")` in a node REPL. This fails. It can...

react-query-devtools gives the following error when using _yarn berry workspace_. And you can check it out at https://github.com/doinki/react-query ![Screenshot from 2022-08-09 10-57-44](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/90969158/183548379-4674a7db-d84d-4ea8-b0c0-3df17bdd7a7f.png) ```yml packageExtensions: '@tanstack/react-query-devtools@*': peerDependencies: '@tanstack/react-query': '^4.0.0' ``` But...

Allows to manually dispatch publish workflow, while also giving ability to override `tag`. This is useful for `minor` or `patch` pre-releases, when we want to first test some functionality before...

UMD builds are configured to always generate output files with the format: `${packageDir}/build/umd/index.production.js` and `${packageDir}/build/umd/index.development.js`. This is a problem, because there are two sets of build configs for the dev...

This should allow for automatic deps install on sub packages. Currently when you try to install one of those, you might get an error about missing imports. @TkDodo This should...

If the "--experimental-vm-modules" property is set, modules are processed with an error. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59764954/182678135-a4cb56a2-533b-46ce-ad61-17a8b114da4e.png) Adding the property type: "module" solves this problem.

### Describe the bug After upgrading to v4 (and going through the migration guide) we get this warning (from webpack-dev-server): "Compiled with problems: WARNING in shared module react No required...

help wanted
good first issue
package: react-query-devtools

### Describe the bug The UMD file https://unpkg.com/browse/@tanstack/[email protected]/build/umd/index.development.js returns null for devtools. I'm my case I'm consuming via shadow-cljs , the clojurescript compiler, According to @tkdodo it also can affect...

package: react-query-devtools