Dmitry B
Dmitry B
I have created a [repository on stackblitz]( I used the public API to get the results. This example shows a problem with differences. 1. The first request is correct 2....
The new version does not appear to have any errors. However, using `@paginate` in the query file and using variables produces some strange results. Demo on [stackblitz]( Demo on [codesandbox](
I thought I had to create a file +page.js with a load function to pass the required variables. Houdini makes its own load function, but how do we pass variables...
After trying, I found that if variables are not required in the query file, the result remains the same as described above 🤔 Also, `loadNextPage()` no longer loads the next...
This is my query, and demo on shows the issue as well. ```graphql query SpacexHistories($limit: Int!) { histories(limit: $limit, sort: "event_date_utc") @paginate { title details event_date_utc } } ```
As a temporary solution, I extend schema and created a new query with different variable names.
Yeap the cross-origin-css demo does't work, here is error in chrome: