Tamme Schichler

Results 32 issues of Tamme Schichler

As it says on the tin, I saw #12 and thought that this would be easy to do while I'm at it. This pull request may not solve the original...

This adds an optional `tracing = Path` parameter to the `#[instrument]` attribute, which can be used to override where the generated code looks for the `tracing` crate. This defaults to...

Currently, [cargo-about](https://github.com/embarkstudios/cargo-about) is unable to automatically include Stretch in the generated third party licenses file as it is missing both the `license` field in _Cargo.toml_ and the _LICENSE_ file in...

Consider the following code: ```rust use std::marker::PhantomData; struct A(PhantomData); impl A { fn general(self) { self.overloaded() // u8 { todo!() } } impl Bound for A {} impl Safe for...


Ich bin nicht sicher, ob's "in scope" ist, da offiziell, aber es wäre mMn. sinnvoll zu erwähnen, dass es https://metaver.de gibt. Dort findet man z.B. unter https://metaver.de/trefferanzeige?docuuid=F67E2668-DD51-4BE1-B176-7719FFB946CD&plugid=/ingrid-group:ige-iplug-hmdk.metaver&docid=F67E2668-DD51-4BE1-B176-7719FFB946CD bzw. als Web...

Ähnlich wie in #41 gibt's auch ein OpenData-Verzeichnis für *mehr oder weniger*¹ ganz Deutschland unter https://www.govdata.de/, mit Meta-Schnittstelle unter https://www.govdata.de/daten/-/details/govdata-metadatenkatalog, von dem ich bisher nicht gehört hatte. ¹https://www.govdata.de/web/guest/faq - -...

This pull request enables and optimises meta state management infrastructure, which effectively means that component instantiation should now be significantly faster, and that an implicitly content-invalidated VDOM cache like the...

type: feature
domain: Rust
priority: first
effort: 5
type: fix
state: approved
work: complicated

Currently, a special constructor like the following is available once: ```rust new with { let _ = local_resource_node.borrow(); } ``` This is not ideal, as it is rarely-used special syntax...

type: feature
state: question
domain: Rust
priority: someday
work: novel

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, there is no easily visible documentation for which arguments a component accepts. The args builders are largely hidden from...

type: feature
domain: Rust
work: clear
priority: next
effort: 2

Given a component ```rust asteracea::component! { Test()(/*…*/)

type: bug
good first issue
domain: Rust
work: clear
effort: 2