Talha Ayub
Talha Ayub
Can you clone my repo? or did I send the link? because I checked everything but the avatar file is still throwing issue
https://github.com/Talhaayub1/backend.git this is the repo!!!!
i didn't create .env.sample, i just create .env
check this
got it man!! Thanks For this, resolve the issue 🙌❤️
can you copy necessary things from cloudinary???? means what we store in .env file to send avatar to cloudinary?? try to update those
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= dqypjs4tl CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= 225719471113895 CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= hxjkdbdBSSHk68jdhh3dd35h4kj rerecheck these keys and make sure you correctly write multer middleware
yes i notice it, but finally i solve the issue after 2 days!!! Thanks Mannnnn 🙌