
Results 10 comments of TalentedMUSE

the train command is the same: `python tools/train.py xxxx`

> This is a bit weird. You may first check if you are using the correct version of mmdet. And then if there is atss_vgfl_head.py in the mmdet/models/dense_heads/ folder. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39563262/154412770-d13c39de-7675-45c3-9337-61b181350546.png)...

> You may refer to this [issue](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/issues/5974) to see if you can get any help. Really Strange... I tried `custom_imports = dict( imports=['mmdet.models.dense_heads.atss_vgfl_head'],` and got such error: `ModuleNotFoundError: No module...

> I think you may try running "pip install mmdet" in your environment to see if it works. According to your description, although you're using mmdet 2.10.0, it seems not...

> I think you may try running "pip install mmdet" in your environment to see if it works. According to your description, although you're using mmdet 2.10.0, it seems not...

@CodingMice @CrystalWong2 I have downloaded the code and the BeautyGAN dataset(named makeup_dataset). So how to run the code successfully? I am new to this area and I quite wonder what...

sorry for the spelling mistake the function should be like this: and then you can call this function: ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "clg-rd"

@Jian-danai I think we can just use the pretrained model from Pytorch. I have run the code and the result was still good. The aim of vgg16 is to extract...

Note that the masks and the facial images are loaded **together**: ``` for self.i, (img_A, img_B, mask_A, mask_B) in enumerate(self.data_loader_train): ``` So when you change the batch_size(e.g. batch_size=2), you should...

I am checking on this; The author did not implement Multi-GPU, you need to do it yourself~~