Tal Ater

Results 21 comments of Tal Ater

Wow, this is a model pull request. You have thought of everything. Give me some time to go over it, I am still new to the world of TypeScript.

Definitely! I am just not very experienced with TypeScript, and so asking for help with making sure I don't miss anything. My apologies for it taking so long!

Closing as a duplicate of #18

Hello again @alanjames1987, sorry for the late response on this issue. Here's an idea of how to do this, using the new regular expression support available in v2.0.0 ``` javascript...

That's an interesting idea... and a very well thought out API! I wish all issues were posted like this :+1: Thanks How do you see the importance of allowing separate...

Sounds good. Would you like to give this a shot and send me a pull request?

Enabling interim results seems like a very drastic change to how annyang works, and doesn't really seem required for hotword detection. Is there a reason this feature can't be enabled...

Thank you @Adrianjewell91 If you are able to replicate the issue please go ahead 👍 Have you been able to isolate the issue and understand what's the root cause?

@alanjames1987 This is now possible in [annyang v2.0.0](https://github.com/TalAter/annyang/releases/tag/v2.0.0) Since v2.0.0, the `result`, `resultNoMatch`, `resultMatch` callbacks are now called with a list of phrases the user said. So you can do...

No. I think I didn't add it originally because I didn't want to try and match interim results with commands. But with the new callbacks that can be called with...