Taimoor Arif

Results 5 issues of Taimoor Arif

The setExpanded function is not working in my case. override func setExpanded(_ expanded: Bool, animated: Bool) I recently used it if I set the first cell to expand, it gets...

I am using this library in my project and whenever I run my app it is giving me the following error: > Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason:...

i am trying to install SVProgressHUD with package dependency and getting the following error: > /Package.swift has no Package.swift manifest in https://github.com/SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.git

I am changing the border color and it is working fine in simulator but in iPhone it is not getting the border color. There is border color on simulator but...

When swiping in speed my card stucks in between. After some debugging, the issue I find is with the **DragGesture()**. The drag gesture's **.onEnded** function is not working when swiping...