
Results 11 issues of TailyFair

Hi, I need to calculate each open SSL socket real traffic (with TLS overhead). `SslSession` has `BytesReceived` and `BytesSent`, but they exclude network traffic that is generated by TLS/SSL. I...

Hi, Has anyone had any success with implementing SSL session resumption? Is it even possible to implement? Would appreciate any tips!

Currently some of disconnect errors are skipped: https://github.com/chronoxor/NetCoreServer/blob/master/source/NetCoreServer/SslSession.cs#L742 Our use case is IoT devices with unreliable network, so these errors are very useful to us. Would you considered adding option...

I understand that exposing `SslStream` in `SslSession` would allow to break things, but it would be great if there was property that would expose `RemoteCertificate` to be available to reach...

After discussion in https://github.com/chronoxor/NetCoreServer/issues/98 it was concluded, that adding dangling connections detection is out of scope of core library and should be implemented in application layer. To implement detection of...

Hello, Is RFC6066 - Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation supported in TLS? https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#page-8

Is there any plans of returning ElasticSearch reporting back? ELK is still good tool for metrics and their current APM agent is lacking features.

**Describe the bug** Sometimes audio streaming does not work. No matter how long I wait, exit to other windows or try different sessions, it keeps on being stuck. Unless I...

### Is your proposal related to a problem? It's visually distracting that some communities have icons, while others don't and it makes them look like not equals. ![image](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/assets/27275873/681180de-c95a-4c5a-86b1-40345573b0a8) ### Describe...


### Verification - [X] I searched for similar issues (including closed issues) and found none was relevant. ### Introduce the issue I think Bluetooth enable/disable setting is not accessible enough...