Having the button stickers print separately and at different angles on textured vinyl makes the texture not flow from one piece to the next very well
It seems to be a long-known bug with Windows DirectX/drivers from forum posts I have gone through. It still happens in Windows 11 now that I've actually looked. What's worse...
Will need to add some amount of center deadzone for dualshock4 to dreamcast analog stick conversion
To reproduce: - Plug in controller - Plug VMU (without battery) into controller, and wait until power on beep completes - Remove VMU - Repeat above two until controller stops...
Host: Weird things can happen if VMU added or removed after host reads and caches mass storage FAT
When the file system adds or removes a file, it sends UNIT ATTENTION to the host so it knows something changed. Windows, however, does not reread the FAT, even when...