#### 问题简述 您好,我使用 kubeflow 官方manifests 和您构建的manifests时 authservice-0 都出现了同样的 not ready的问题[kubeflow/manifests/issue](https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/issues/2064#issue-1034252660) ,这导致我无法访问kubeflow 面板。 ``` 2021-10-24T03:21:48.287901796+08:00 time="2021-10-23T19:21:48Z" level=error msg="OIDC provider setup failed, retrying in 10 seconds: Get http://dex.auth.svc.cluster.local:5556/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration: EOF" ``` 请问出现这种问题的原因是什么?方便分享一下您是如何配置 dex\istio...
**Tiny RDM Version** What version of Tiny RDM are you using? release 1.1.14 **OS Version** wails doctor * wails: v2.9.1 * os: macos * version: 10.14.6 * go: go1.21.4 *...
**What happened**: * dial tcp connect: connection refused * The recommended value for "clusterDNS" in "KubeletConfiguration" is: []; the provided value is: [] **What you expected to happen**: **How...