Results 8 issues of Julien Bartels

In BulkPDFCore/PDF.cs in the method SaveFilledPDF cloud help the following code: `PdfStamper.getWriter().getAcroForm().setNeedAppearances(true);`


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at BulkPDF.PDF.SaveFilledPDF(String filePath, Boolean finalize) at BulkPDF.PDFFiller.CreateFiles(PDF pdf, Boolean finalize, IDataSource dataSource, Dictionary`2 pdfFields, String outputDir, DelGetFilename GetFilename, DelSetPercent...

The problem is the check-value for these checkboxes is not "Yes" in this form. The creator of the pdf form has chosen an other value for an selected checkbox. The...

help wanted

The message "This document enabled extended features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available. Please contact...


It would be nice if anybody could easily get the data out of a MSSQL or MySQL database.


Entries like "1234" are not possible passwords for wifi, because 40 Bit WEP use atleast 5 characters, 128 Bit WEP 13 characters and WPA 8 characters.

Buttons no longer work on the TreeView element when the element is selected. For example, if Node0 is not selected in the DragAndDropSample application, the collapse arrow will work. However,...

The c# entry in the listing on []( reference to "" but the right url is "".