So I have finally got it to somewhat work. Using a Quake3 protocol 'lgsl_query_02' and added this line elseif ($server['b']['type'] == "callofdutymw3") { fwrite($lgsl_fp, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo"); } I do get a...
Here is the code from the games query. Using 'getinfo' and returning 'infoResponse' https://github.com/XLabsProject/iw6x-client/blob/develop/src/client/component/party.cpp#L470
Test script: https://saltybawls.com/bo1/test.php
Wow did not think this was going to be so difficult a task. Seems there is no one on the entire internet able to create a working query protocol for...
I explained why that is. The query handshake used in Plutonium and XLabs is not the same. The original MW3, which is what is used on Gametracker, queries using the...
I have added it. Works! Thank you so very very much. I really do appreciate what you did here. Looking back at it, it was such a simple thing, I...
Ok so it works mostly. Does not seem to display players or player info. So it always shows zero players even when there are players on the server. Also does...
It does return some it seems. Player count but no names. {"name":"[TDM] ALL MAPS","map":"mp_rust","password":false,"raw":{"protocol":"20604","checksum":"-461731637","hostname":"[TDM] ALL MAPS","mapname":"mp_rust","clients":"1","sv_maxclients":"18","gametype":"war","pure":"1","con_disabled":"1","kc":"1","hw":"6","mod":"0","voice":"2\u0000"},"maxplayers":"18","players":[],"bots":[],"connect":"","ping":2} Uses 'clients' for the number of players connected. I fixed it with adding this...
After looking at the C# code again for the server, it appears it may have the playername info but assigning it to "xuid" variable. Not sure why these guys cant...
Works. https://saltybawls.com/mw3/ Thank you!!