Tait Höyem
Tait Höyem
Sorry for pushing multiple commits to travis-cl.
Sound good! Happy to help!
More features have been added. Please wait until I can fully implement them and push.
("Tada!" means the code is [basically] done... No rush, just sayin')
(Polite poke)
The keep_punct varibles is set to false when you want to give different data to the to_html() function, in the form of an array. zi = ["你", "好"] know_ni_not_hao =...
More useful in this case: zi = ["我", "說", "「", "你", "好", "」"] know_some_chars = ["wǒ", "", "", "nǐ", "hǎo", ""] to_html(zi, bottom=know_some_chars, keep_punct=False) No pinyin will be under 說
keep_punct is a bad name for the variable though