Thanks for your reply. :) @jbehley I use GeForce RTX 2080,Cuda 10.0, V10.0.130, Cudnn 7.5.0, Driver Version: 410.48. I am not sure what does "an RTX model" mean? Thank you...
Thank you very much! @jbehley In fact ,I use TensorRT, so I wonder which version do you installed? Besides, since the version of TensorRT is related to cuda and...
@jbehley @Chen-Xieyuanli ,Thank you very much, I am not sure which part lead to the wrong result, mine is Ubuntu 16.04, GeForce RTX 2080, Cuda V10.0.130, Cudnn 7.5.0, Driver Version:...
@Chen-Xieyuanli Thank you very much, I will try. :)
Hi, @jbehley I just try on Xavier with TensorRT 5.1 , it does work correctly, while try it on TX2 with TensorRT 6, it is incorrect as before. It seem...
Hi, @Claud1234 I did not get the correct result on my machine(Ubuntu 16.04, GeForce RTX 2070, Cuda V10.0.130, Cudnn 7.5.0, Driver Version: 410.48 ,TensorRT, while I **get the correct...
Hi @kuzen , thank you for sharing your solution, could you please also share you hardware setup, for example, the Cuda, and tensorrt version, thank you very much~
@kuzen Thank you very much. But it does not work for me, and I wonder whether it works for you @Claud1234 @LongruiDong