Thomas Shafee
Thomas Shafee
Updates to []( now enable it to report back the list of publications that are about a set of subjects. Currently picked based on checkboxes, but eventually I'd like it...
There should be a way to do that. I might write a function for it, but in the meantime, the code would be: ``` install.packages("httr") install.packages("XML2") page.url
Ironically, it's actually easier to get wikidata IDs from IDs other than the wikipedia page! It's a function I've added to the extended package here: [TS404/WikidataR/.../Queries.R]( → `qid_from_identifier`. It should...
Thanks @serenasignorelli. I only just saw this response. Very useful queries. I'll add them into the [R] script as I refactor it up as a package and tidier functions over...
Hmm, ideally everything, since being able to edit aliases and descriptions would be useful. However the two highest priority capabilities would be: - being able to add specific statements to...
> [&data=COMMANDS [commands in the above format]]( @magnusmanske, could you confirm what the relevant quickstatements API format is?
I think I've found it: > [The URL cannot have any spaces. Replace TAB with "%09", double quote with "%22", space with "%20", end-of-line with "%0A", and slash "/" with...
Successful first test ([using token code as per my QS userpage](! ``` ?action=import &submit=1 &username=Evolution_and_evolvability &token=[the token code as per my QS userpage] &format=v1 & &batchname=ts_API_test1 ``` Resulting in...
The new API _almost_ works (now committed to [wikiPackageTesting.R]( There seem to currently be some problems with qualifiers submitted via the API. When the exact same submission is made via...
Yes, I was unable to work out a way to avoid the loop (which is by fast the slowest part and also risks triggering throttling on the server side). Any...