Thomas P.

Results 21 issues of Thomas P.

Hello ! First of all, a huge thanks for your script ! It makes my start menu look clean, which is absolutely awesome. 👍 I just noticed that the `.desktop`...

Hello, I'm using Source Code Pro in my terminal and had some trouble in realizing that I had to change the name of the font in the config file since...

## Issue When using a storage emulator in development, apps would include the following code: ```js import storage from '@react-native-firebase/storage'; if(__DEV__) { storage().useEmulator('localhost', 9032); } ``` However, when reloading the...

Impact: Bug
Help: Needs Triage
📌 pin enables developers to analyze what's inside their bundles. It's a great way to identify huge dependencies that slow down the app's loading time. I believe it would be a...


### Current behaviour I'm wrapping a Top Bar navigator in a scrollview to show additional content below some content. I want the user to be able to scroll down the...


Speeds up deployment when working with more than 1 webserver

A few documentation updates to help future users of the plugin.

Currently, the quotation mark in the ASCII table appears as `\"`, this PR fixes it by removing the trailing `\` ## Description of new Instant Answer, or changes Removes trailing...

Hello, I still deploy my PHP app on a remote server through FTP and an excess amount of files slows down the process a lot. I've found the `vendor/quickbooks/v3-php-sdk/src/XSD2PHP/test/data/expected/` has...

Useful when working with selenium, which relies on the "--websocket-port" argument understood from v0.30.0 onwards. See